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Monday, February 2, 2015

Books by Blei - Multicultural: Song of Be by lesley Beake

Song of Be
by Lesley Beake

Recommended by:  Tyler S.
This book is about a young girl named "Be". She lives in Nambia, Africa. She lives in a small hut that has a small farm, with her family. She is forced to take care of her family's farm while her mom takes care of her siblings. Be struggles to take care of the farm because it is a lot of work for one little girl. She seeks help from her mom and the other villagers. Be finally has enough and she decides to commit suicide. She goes out to her favorite spot under a big tree and she takes a poison arrow, but her plan doesn't go so well.

This book was: Twisted & Sad!

I would recommend this book to:  Anybody.

I rate this book:

RMS Hot Reads for January 30, 2015