Welcome Readers! Robbinsdale Middle School is a grade 6-8 middle school located in Robbinsdale, Minnesota, and part of the Robbinsdale Area Schools, District #281.

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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Robbinsdale Middle School Suggest Summer Reading Programs

Here at RMS Media Center we are winding down for summer break.
Just because it is summer doesn't mean we want to see our students stop reading!!
We have had such an increase in book checkouts, book readings, book reviews and other student involvement, we would hope that students keep up their hard work!

There are several great programs encouraging student readership!


Hennepin County Library sponsors a summer reading program called “Bookawocky: A Celebration of Summer Reading,”
Hennepin County Libraries offer hundreds of free programs for kids and teens.
Click the link below for more information:

Barnes & Noble Summer Reading Program

Kids can earn a free book just by reading!

This year the Barnes and Noble summer reading program, Imagination's Destination, gives out a free book to each child who reads 8 books over the summer.
Check out Barnesandnoble.com for more information

Choose a FREE BOOK from our selection on the Reading Journal list at the store... Enjoy reading!

The Half Price Books summer reading program  is for kids 14 and under gives out free Half Price Books gift cards to kids who read for at least 300 minutes during June and July. The program runs from June 1 to July 31, 2013.

Click the link below for more information:
Feed Your Brain

Scholastic also offers a summer reading challenge and contest!
The Summer Challenge allows students to enter and track their reading minutes on a personal homepage and check their weekly progress towards earning virtual rewards.
Check out their summer challenge page for more information and to register.
You will also find some great summer reading lists there as well.

Scholastic Summer Challenge

How about reading books to earn free tokens at Chuck E. Cheese's? Read for two weeks and earn 10 free tokens.

Click here for more information:
Chuck E. Cheese's Rewards

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