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Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Books by Blei: The Luxe by Anna Godbersen

The Luxe
by Anna Goddberson

Recommended by:  Van N.
Elizabeth Holland and her sister Diana Holland were the spotlight of New York. One day when they found that their family was in debt, things started to change. They knew living in luxury will soon disappear as well as their reputation. Elizabeth was in shock when she was in an arranged marriage. Luxury, pretty girls, handsome boys, betrayal, deep dark nasty secrets, and drama. This is The Luxe. My favorite part was when Diana lost her ribbon and Henry went to get it from a duck. I like the book's writing style because it makes me imagine that I'm in the 19th Century. full of historical themes.

This book was: Amazing!

I would recommend this book to: People who like historical books and dramatic series.

I rate this book:

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