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Friday, October 25, 2013

Books by Blei: Home of the Brave

Home of the Brave
by Katherine Applegate
Recommended by: Elizabeth K.
This book is about a boy named Kek who is from Uganda in Africa. He is brought to Minnesota because he lost his dad and brother and doesn't know where his mother is. In Minnesota he meets a guy named Dave who helps him with things and takes him places and teaches him to speak English. Dave brings him to his aunt's house to live with them. Kek is still mad and sad about the loss of his family while trying to get used to the ways of America. He worries about his mom every day. He hopes she will come to live with him.

Also on his journey, he meets a girl named, Hannah, and she becomes his friend. She takes him places, shows him many new things and how to use things. Kek also gets a job at a farm. Kek also goes to school and learns that there are other people that came from other countries that have trouble learning English. Everybody has problems and comes from different places. Does Kek find his mother? Does he learn English? Kek is brave!

This book was:  Very good and I loved it!

I would recommend this book to: Middle schoolers!
A/R Level: 3.5 MG
A/R Points: 7 points
I rate this book:

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