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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Books by Blei: Entwined

by Heather Dixon
Recommended by: Lauren E.

Twelve princesses find a ravishing place to dance during a time of mourning. They meet "Keeper", who is the High King who has been dead for two-hundred years. Keeper keeps things the girls drop. Everything they own has a little bit of magic. The magic makes Keeper stronger. Keeper lets them dance every night in his pavilion where he lives. Azalea, the oldest, found the pavilion on night. Keeper like Azalea, she reminds him of her mother. What will become of Azalea because of Keeper? This is a book of love, passion and dance.

This book was:  Enchanting to read!

I would recommend this book to: Anyone who likes a fantasy story.

A/R Points: 14 points
I rate this book:

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