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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Books by Blei: The 5th Wave

The 5th Wave
by Rick Yancy
Recommended by: Samuel T.
Hi, my name is Sam, and this is the 5th Wave! I felt this was on of the best reads I've had in a long time. This is an action/adventure story and there is a little romance. I thought it was very well played out.

Cassie, the main character, is on a quest to find her little brother, Sammy, in a post-apocalyptic waste world. As she continues her question, she runs into some unlikely characters including an alien, and her love from high school and more. As the story continues, you read from the other people's perspective (was a good add-in). So, if you are into sci-fi, you'll love this book.

This book was: Fantastic, stunning, fast-paced.
I would recommend this book to: Everyone that love's science-fiction.

A/R Level: 4.6 UG
A/R Points: 17
I rate this book:

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