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Friday, December 13, 2013

Books by Blei: Held

by Edeet Ravel

Recommended by: Soleil S.
Seventeen year-old Chloe Mills is on summer vacation in Athens, Greece, with her best friend, Angie Shaw. They're in a volunteer program at a community center in Greece. On their last day in Athens, Chloe gets kidnapped! Her hostage taker confines her to an abandoned warehouse but supplies her with gourmet meals and wine. With her kidnapper only visiting her once in a while, her deprivation of company leads her to fall in love with her kidnapper! Now she can't imagine life without him. What happens next?
This book was: Intended for mature audiences.

I would recommend this book to: Anyone who likes love/drama books.
A/R Level: UG
A/R Points: 5.2
I rate this book:

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