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Friday, February 7, 2014

Books by Blei: Son of a Gun

Son of a Gun
by Anne de Graaf

Recommended by: Will T.
Son of a Gun is a novel based on the wreckage of the 1989 Liberian Civil War. The cool thing about this book is that no matter where your from you can connect to this book in many ways if you dig deep into the text. 

The story follows the life of brother and sister, Nopi and Lucky, who are taken away from home to become children soldiers in the war. During this long battle you will see different side perspectives of Nopi and her little brother Lucky, they share a lot about their lives int he past and their life as a soldier. They learn the culture, the culture of being a soldier - but will it get too much into their heads?

This book was: Great!

I would recommend this book to: Someone who loves historical events.

I rate this book: 

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