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Thursday, February 13, 2014

Books by Blei: Walker's Crossing

Walker's Crossing
by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor

Recommended by: Ryan G.
The book, Walker's Crossing, started off kind of slow to me, but once I got to a little over a hundred pages, I couldn't stop reading! This book is full of awesome moments. That's why I couldn't stop reading!
The first reason I picked this book is because it is about a tall 7th grader named Ryan, which pretty much describes me perfectly.
The second reason is that Mrs. Blei told me that the author is very good, I believe it now. I would certainly recommend this to anybody who likes fiction. 
This book takes places in Wyoming. Ryan's brother, Gil, doesn't like people who are different, but Ryan thinks everybody is equal. At the end of the book, Ryan learns something very important. If you want to know more you have to read the book.

This book was: Slow, but it was worth it.

I would recommend this book to: Anyone who likes fiction.

I rate this book:

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