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Monday, March 31, 2014

Books by Blei: The Youngest Templar - Keeper of the Grail

The Youngest Templar: Keeper of the Grail
by Michael P. Spradlin

Recommended by: Quinn H.
This story starts in a monastery where Tristan has grown up his whole life. One day a group of knights rides into the monastery to take a break from riding. The leader of them, named Sir Thomas, sends him on an errand to the blacksmith. While he was waiting for the blacksmith to come out front, two men stumbled out of the tavern and one tripped and fell. Tristan laughed and the drunks got mad and grabbed Tristan and as they were about to take his horse. Tristan kicked out at them suddenly he was on the ground being beaten and heard another person come up behind him. Read the book to find out what happens next. 

This book was: A very exciting and fast-paced read.

I would recommend this book to: Any adventure lovers.

I rate this book:

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