Welcome Readers! Robbinsdale Middle School is a grade 6-8 middle school located in Robbinsdale, Minnesota, and part of the Robbinsdale Area Schools, District #281.

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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Books by Blei: Leviathan

by Scott Westerfeld

Recommended by: Andrew M.
In this war between Clankers with their giant walking machines and Darwinists with their fabricated beasties of tomorrow, there is a Clanker Prince Alek. He is now an orphan and his parents were the cause of a war. We meet Deryn, a Darwinist girl, who's one wish in life is to soar up in the sky. They are thrown together running away from a common enemy, Germans, who are Clankers like Alek himself. In this war they are forced to work together. In this fantastical story of what might of happened if a little bit of steam-punk met the great war of 1914. Read this awesome book to find out what happens to this unlikely duo.

This book was: Splendiforous!

I would recommend this book to: Anyone who knows a good book.

I rate this book:

Books by Blei: Legend

by Marie Lu

Recommended by: Josh J.
June Iparis, a 15-year-old prodigy, is in trouble again. She is the sister of military Captain Metias Iparis. After he is murdered, June wants revenge. To get it she has to go undercover, in the Lake Sector, home of 15-year-old criminal Day, for the Republic. With a very startling turn of events, June finds love. But with whom? Will revenge ever occur? Does she find Day? All great questions that can only be answered if you read this Science Fiction adventure.

This book was: Awesome.

I would recommend this book to:  Science Fiction lovers..

I rate this book:

Books by Blei: Discordia: The Eleventh Dimension

Discordia: The Eleventh Dimension
by Dena K. Salmon

Recommended by: Joshua S.
Lance is a simple-minded boy addicted to one game, Discordia; a virtual online game where Lance thinks he can be himself. In the game, he is a level 19 zombie slave. He has also met a friend, Mrs. Keller, who is roughly the same level as him. Together, they do quests and battle monsters. They soon meet The Great One, a level 60 zombie sorcerer who invites them into his guild. They start thinking that he's a little weird so they attempt to leave, but before they know if they find themselves in a strange world. The Great One then tells them that they are in Discordia as their characters. He says that they must complete a quest before he tells them how to leave. As they begin their journey they meet Rayva, another player who was transported there. Together the three of them embark on their heroic quest. This book was great and leaves you on a huge cliffhanger.

This book was: FANTASTIC!

I would recommend this book to:  A gamer!

I rate this book:

Books by Blei: Matched

by  Ally Condie

Recommended by: Lily P.
Matched, the first book in a trilogy, takes place in the future, in a society that decides your entire life for you: who you love, where you work, and when you die. Cassia Reyes was unusually matched with her best friend, Xander, when most people are matched with someone they don't know from a whole different city. Cassia thinks this is odd enough until she sees another face flash up on her matching screen -- not normal. It's not some random guy either, but a childhood friend, Ky. As she gets to know them both, she develops more feelings for Ky who is not her match; that is against society. Should Cassia follow her feelings and break the rules for Ky, the one she loves? I mean, no one can stop love...right?

This book was: Romantic and action-filled.

I would recommend this book to:  Anyone who loves a good romance..

I rate this book:

Books by Blei: The Monstrumologist

The Monstrumologist
by  Rick Yancy

Recommended by: Jade Y.
Dr. Warthrop and Will Henry are a pair of philosophers and monstrumologists. In 1888, New England, they are persistent to find a killer pod of monsters called Antrhopophagi. Together they plan to search and kill them in the cemetery of New Jerusalem. My favorite part was when they killed the pod of monsters but otherwise the book was really boring. It took forever to get to the main events and hardly had any details. The book lacked excitement.

This book was: Boring, way too long, and lacked excitement.

I would recommend this book to:  People who like a historical touch involving subtle details..

I rate this book:

Books by Blei: Life As We Knew It.

Life As We Knew It
by  Susan Beth Pfeffer

Recommended by: Soleil
Everybody is excited to see an asteroid hit the moon. Even some teachers at 16-year-old Miranda's school are having students write papers on it. everything seems normal, until it hits sending everybody running for cover from the chaos of tsunamis and volcanoes! It's every man for himself as Miranda and her family struggle to survive.

This book was: An exciting yet sad book!

I would recommend this book to:  Anyone who like Sci-Fi.

I rate this book:

Books by Blei: Variant

by  Robison Wells

Recommended by: Jacob N.
Just imagine if you got a scholarship to a school where they serve five-star meals, have no teachers, and on some days just play paintball. Sounds cool, right? That's what 18-year-old Benson Fisher is thinking. But when a mysterious woman drops him off at school in the middle of nowhere, Benson's suspicions arise. Something the school's website forgot to mention was that students are tracked, and every room has cameras. There are also a lot of rules. But there are only three main rules. If you break one of these you get sent to detention, which nobody has ever returned from. There are strict rules, cameras everywhere, and trackers on students. Something else is going on and Benson intends to find out what that is.

This book was: Good!

I would recommend this book to:  People who like Sci-Fi.

I rate this book:

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Books by Blei: Eve and Adam

Eve and Adam
by Michael Grant

Recommended by: Cecelia N.
Evening Spiker has a mom who runs a billion-dollar-company called Spiker Biopharmaceuticals. After she gets into a horrific car crash, her mother assigns her to create the perfect boy with her mother's computer simulation! Through her experiences at her mother's company, she'll learn the shocking truths about her mother and Spiker Biopharmaceuticals. 
My favorite character is Solo because he did such cool, crazy stuff with bravery!

This book was: Science Fiction!

I would recommend this book to:  Anyone who loves a romance/Sci-Fi

I rate this book:

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Books by Blei: Incarceron

by Catherine Fisher

Recommended by: Quinn H.
This book is set in a future where advanced technology has given those in charge the ability to pick the era in which they live. The main character, Finn, struggles to find a way out from the living prison called Incarceron and live a free life. Meanwhile, Claudia lives outside the prison, but is struggling to find a way to free herself from the life that she is living.They meet each other after finding a strange key that allows them to communicate, and then start plotting Finn's escape.

This book was: Pretty Awesome!

I would recommend this book to:  Anyone who likes dark fantasy books.

I rate this book:

Books by Blei: Space Race

Space Race
by Sylvia Waugh

Recommended by: MaiLee Y.
Thomas and his father are aliens. His dad told him that they will be leaving Earth to return and go to another planet called Ormingrat. Thomas doesn't want to leave Earth and go to the other planet, and he doesn't want to leave the people he cares about. After Thomas gets separated from his father, he must choose to stay on Earth or go to the other planet. My favorite part of this book was when Stella saw Thomas on the news, and she and Martin (Thomas' best friend) rushed to go see him at the hospital.

This book was: Okay. The middle was kind of boring.

I would recommend this book to:  People who like books about aliens.

Books by Blei: Eager

by Helen Fox

Recommended by: Sabit W.
Grumps, a robotic butler, starts to get old and forgets stuff. Mr. Bell decides to get Eager, a robotic assistant, who was loaned by a scientist friend. The BD64's are acting peculiar and LifeCorp invented them. LifeCorp is full of inventors and they are hiding something. Gavin recruits Eager to spy on LifeCorp. LifeCorp is using the BD64's to destroy all humans. See what happens in this interesting, yet odd adventure with the bells and all the robots!

This book was: Confusing yet Interesting!

I would recommend this book to:  People who like robots.

I rate this book:

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Books by Blei: Ties that Bind, Ties that Break

Ties that Bind, Ties that Break
by Lensey Namioka

Recommended by: Kathleen C.
This book is about a young Chinese girl who doesn't want her feet bound as is her custom. It's also about the challenges of death, discrimination, and finding where she belongs in the world. My favorite part was when she went to America.

This book was: Really Good!

I would recommend this book to: People that love drama.

I rate this book:

Books by Blei: Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre
by Charlotte Brontë

Recommended by: Claire R.
Jane Eyre is a book set in 18th Century England. It follows the life of Jane Eyre, a young orphan raised by a cruel aunt. She is sent to Lowood Academy then leaves for work as a governess at Thornfield Hall. She struggles with the love she has for her employer and her morals and freedom.
You will be immersed in her life of romance, tragedy, and heartbreak!

This book was: Capturing!

I would recommend this book to:  Lovers of historical fiction and romance.

I rate this book:

Books by Blei: You Never Heard of Willie Mays?

You Never Heard of Willie Mays?
by Jonah Winter

Recommended by: Jove'n W.
This book is about a little African American boy that grew up in Birmingham, Alabama. He looked up to Joe DiMaggio and his name was Willie Mays. This book shows how Willie started in the Negro League and ended up going to the big leagues and breaking records and proving blacks are just as good as whites. He was in the army and still played baseball. It also showed his records and his career highlights. Willie became one of the best black baseball players of all time.

This book was: Awesome!

I would recommend this book to: Larry.

I rate this book:

Books by Blei: The Shakespeare Stealer

The Shakespeare Stealer
by Gary Blackwood

Recommended by: Joshua S.
Born into poverty and living in an orphanage, Widge is one of the only kids to be adopted. Once he is brought to his new home, he is forced to learn how to write in shorthand. His master assumed he could be taught in 2-3 months. He was way off!! It took about two years before Widge could write at a steady pace. One day a stranger enters the abode. He sees that Widge can write so he buys him for 10 gold pieces. After a few days of walking, the finally reach the stranger's home. As it turns out, the stranger is not to be Widge's new master. Widge meets Simon Bass, his real master. In the morning, Widge is sent to London with the stranger to illegally copy the famous Hamlet, a play by William Shakespeare. The first time he is there, he misses a few lines so he is sent back a second time. His second visit ends in a fire! After he loses his notepad, he must choose, face the stranger with no book, or hide with his new friends in the theater.

This book was: Suspenseful!

I would recommend this book to: Someone who likes mystery.!

I rate this book:

Books by Blei: Duck for President

Duck for President
by Doreen Cronin

Recommended by: Damia & Azariah
Duck basically wanted to be first in everything, but after every vote, Duck found out that it was actually hard to be first in everything. He wanted to be first in something, like the president. Duck realized that being the boss and ahead of everyone wasn't fun. So he decided to give up.

This book was: Animal Stories!

I would recommend this book to: People who like to by First!

I rate this book: