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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Books by Blei: Matched

by  Ally Condie

Recommended by: Lily P.
Matched, the first book in a trilogy, takes place in the future, in a society that decides your entire life for you: who you love, where you work, and when you die. Cassia Reyes was unusually matched with her best friend, Xander, when most people are matched with someone they don't know from a whole different city. Cassia thinks this is odd enough until she sees another face flash up on her matching screen -- not normal. It's not some random guy either, but a childhood friend, Ky. As she gets to know them both, she develops more feelings for Ky who is not her match; that is against society. Should Cassia follow her feelings and break the rules for Ky, the one she loves? I mean, no one can stop love...right?

This book was: Romantic and action-filled.

I would recommend this book to:  Anyone who loves a good romance..

I rate this book:

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