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Thursday, May 1, 2014

Books by Blei: The Shakespeare Stealer

The Shakespeare Stealer
by Gary Blackwood

Recommended by: Joshua S.
Born into poverty and living in an orphanage, Widge is one of the only kids to be adopted. Once he is brought to his new home, he is forced to learn how to write in shorthand. His master assumed he could be taught in 2-3 months. He was way off!! It took about two years before Widge could write at a steady pace. One day a stranger enters the abode. He sees that Widge can write so he buys him for 10 gold pieces. After a few days of walking, the finally reach the stranger's home. As it turns out, the stranger is not to be Widge's new master. Widge meets Simon Bass, his real master. In the morning, Widge is sent to London with the stranger to illegally copy the famous Hamlet, a play by William Shakespeare. The first time he is there, he misses a few lines so he is sent back a second time. His second visit ends in a fire! After he loses his notepad, he must choose, face the stranger with no book, or hide with his new friends in the theater.

This book was: Suspenseful!

I would recommend this book to: Someone who likes mystery.!

I rate this book:

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