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Monday, December 7, 2015

Books by Blei: Princess of the Silver Woods by Jessica Day George

Princess of the Silver Woods
by Jessica Day George

Recommended by:  Katie E.
There are 12 Westfalian princesses that are all named after flowers: Petunia, Poppy, Jonquil, Daisy, Lilac, Hyacinth, Rose, Lily, Pansy, Iris, Violet and Orchid. Petunia is the youngest. Ever since the princesses were little, they had terrifying nightmare. In their nightmares they went to an evil placed called The Kingdom Under Stone. Every night they had to dance with the evil princes at the Midnight Balls. The Kingdom Under Stone was a dark and gloomy place, the only colors inside the whole entire castle were black, blue and violet. The princesses stopped having the nightmares before, but that was only because of people who studied magic. The people who studied magic went there and did a powerful spell to block them in their kingdom. The princes then found a way to unseal the seal. Read this book and find out what happens to the princesses. Will they find a way to escape once and for all, or will they fail?

This book was: Amazing!

I would recommend this book to: People who like fantasy.

I rate this book:

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