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Friday, December 18, 2015

Books by Blei: Stranded 2 - Trial by Fire by Jeff Probst and Chris Tebbetts

Trial by Fire (Stranded, #2)
Stranded 2 - Trial by Fire
by Jeff Probst and Chris Tebbetts

Recommended by:  Amir S.
It all started when the Bensons and the Diazs became a family. There were two children from the Bensons and two from the Diazs: Carter and Jane Benson and Vanessa and Buzz Diaz. Their parents went on a honeymoon to Hawaii. The kids went on a trip with their Uncle Dexter on a ship ride around the ocean. But because of a storm they became shipwrecked on an island. Will the children find a way to get off the island or will danger interfere?

This book was: Breath taking!

I would recommend this book to: my neighbor, Arianna.

I rate this book:

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