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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Books by Blei: The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks

The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks
a novel by E. Lockhart
Recommended by: Summer B.
 This book is about a girl who goes to a fancy private school and it's her sophmore year. Last year she was just a nerd - not popular - not the type of a girl a boy would give a second look. But now she's changed - blossomed into a young 15-year old woman who boys are attracted to. Soon a Senior falls for her and they eventually date. Soon she figures out about his all-male secret society and decides to mess with them...and if someone ever found out about this, everything could be ruined forever!
This book was: Unexpected - in a good way!
I would recommend this book to: Anyone who loves mystery and romance!
A/R Level: 5.5 MG
A/R Points: 9 points
I rate this book:

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