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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Books by Blei: Payback Time


Payback Time
by Carl Deuker
Recommended by: Isaiah G.
This story is about two kids who work for the newspaper and go to Lincoln High School. There's a new kid named Angel who plays football. He's goot at the sport but the coach won't let him play. Two kids, Mitch and Kimi, try to figure out why. When they go too far it turns into a lethal situation. First, he was anonymous, now he's out to be remembered. To fin out what's next, guess you'll have to read the book to find out!

This book was: Great! I couldn't put the book down!
I would recommend this book to: Anyone who likes sports and mysteries.
A/R Level: 5.0 MG
A/R Points: 9 points
I rate this book:


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