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Monday, April 29, 2013

Books by Blei: Shades of Earth

Shades of Earth
by Beth Revis
Recommended by: Caiden G.
Amy and Elder have made it to Centauri-Earth. But it is not what they thought it would be. It gets even worse when they find out that there are animals they've never seen before and sentient-like aliens that killed off the first people who landed there. As they fight to solve all the clues Orion has left for them, they also have to fight to save their colony from the strange creatures on the planet they now regret landing on.

This book was: Indescribable!
I would recommend this book to: Someone who understands and has read the first 2 books.

A/R Level:  6.0 MG
A/R Points: 16 points
I rate this book:

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