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Monday, September 30, 2013

Books by Blei: The Girl of Fire and Thorns

The Girl of Fire and Thorns
by Rae Carson

Recommended by: Nikita W.
Lucero-Elisa is a princess. One her 16th birthday she is married to a king. He wants Elisa as a friend. One day Elisa is kidnapped. She realizes it is her maid and she falls in love with her maid's brother. Elisa comes back home as a warrior for her husband's safety and his son's.

This book was: Interesting.
I would recommend this book to: Anyone who likes fiction, mysteries and adventure.

A/R Level:  MG
A/R Points: 15 points
I rate this book:

Books By Blei: Skin

by Rick Jasper
Recommended by: Yanna W., Lamia H. & Taisha B.
The book, Skin, is about a young man who has a strange spirit inside of him caused by a tragedy. There once was a young man named Luke who also had the same problems/symptoms the main character, Nick, has. They were basically both possessed by an evil spirit known by the name of Al. Every time Nick has a nightmare, it becomes reality. Nick's skin looks "burnt" by the evil spirit although he feels cold. 
Will the spirit ever leave Nick?

This book was: Scary
I would recommend this book to: Anyone who wants to read forever!

A/R Level: 3.9 MG
A/R Points: 2 points
I rate this book:

Books by Blei: Ender's Game

Ender's Game

By Orson Scott Card

Recommended by: Josh J.

When 6-year old Andrew Wiggins (known as Ender) gets his monitor taken out he immediately gets into a fight with Stilson, a bully. He then gets accepted to Battle School, the school to teach young kids to fight. He has to leave his family and go to space. Ender gets picked on all the time. This book covers Ender's life from 6 to his teen life. He has to survive life at Battle School.

This book was: A very good, interesting book.

I would recommend this book to: Fiction Fans and Adventure Fans

A/R Level: 5.5 UG

A/R Points: 16 points

I rate this book:

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Books by Blei: My Book of Life by Angel

My Book of Life by Angel

By Martine Leavitt

Recommended by: Diamond G.

This is book is about young 16-year old girl named Angel who meets a guy named Call, who takes her out to eat. When Call gives her cocaine (candy) everything goes downhill from there. Her dad kicks her out after discovering her drug use. She moves in with Call who turns her into a prostitute holding her and a little girl named Milly, against their will until they escape. After taking Milly to the police station, Angel lives her life from there.

This book was: A sad, life changing story.

I would recommend this book to: People who l..

A/R Level: 3.3 MG

A/R Points: 4 points

I rate this book:

Books by Blei: The Ninth Ward

The Ninth Ward

By Jewell Parker Rhodes

Recommended by: Diamond G.

The Ninth Ward is about a young girl named Lanesha who lives in the Ninth Ward of Louisiana. She lives with her guardian, Mama Ya Ya, who also helped give birth to Lanesha and is now taking care of her after her mother died giving birth. Lanesha has the power to connect with the spirit world when it comes in handy. When Mama Ya Ya dies in Hurricane Katrina, it is up to Lanesha and her friend to survive.

This book was: Sad, amazing and thrilling!

I would recommend this book to: Anyone who likes adventure.

A/R Level: 3.3 MG

A/R Points: 4 points

I rate this book:

Friday, September 20, 2013

Books by Blei: Artemis Fowl: The Last Guardian

Artemis Fowl: The Last Guardian

By Eoin Colfer

Recommended by: Andrew M.

This is the final adventure with our friends Artemis, Butler, Holly, Mulcy & Fooly. They are rebelling against Opal Koboi. The action takes place at Fowl Estate where the final battle against Opal Koboi rages on. Will Opal, the evil pixie, win or Artemis, a juvenile mastermind, and his unusual team?

 This book was: Awesome! A good read!

I would recommend this book to: Anyone who loves a good book with adventure.

A/R Level: 6.6 MG

A/R Points: 12 points

I rate this book:

Books by Blei: When You Reach Me

When You Reach Me

by Rebecca Stead
Recommended by: Turiya S.

Miranda and her friend, Sal, have been friends since they can remember. They walk the same route from school every day past the crazy guy on the corner, and the pack of boys by the garage. Sal gets punched by a kid for what seems to be no reason at all. Sal quits being Miranda’s friend all of a sudden. One day Miranda’s key went missing, and then a mysterious, anonymous note came. The notes said things only someone she knew would know.

Who wrote the notes?

 This book was: Suspenseful and puzzling!

I would recommend this book to: Middle Graders.

A/R Level: 4.5 MG
A/R Points: 6 points
I rate this book: