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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Books by Blei: My Book of Life by Angel

My Book of Life by Angel

By Martine Leavitt

Recommended by: Diamond G.

This is book is about young 16-year old girl named Angel who meets a guy named Call, who takes her out to eat. When Call gives her cocaine (candy) everything goes downhill from there. Her dad kicks her out after discovering her drug use. She moves in with Call who turns her into a prostitute holding her and a little girl named Milly, against their will until they escape. After taking Milly to the police station, Angel lives her life from there.

This book was: A sad, life changing story.

I would recommend this book to: People who l..

A/R Level: 3.3 MG

A/R Points: 4 points

I rate this book:

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