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Monday, September 30, 2013

Books by Blei: Ender's Game

Ender's Game

By Orson Scott Card

Recommended by: Josh J.

When 6-year old Andrew Wiggins (known as Ender) gets his monitor taken out he immediately gets into a fight with Stilson, a bully. He then gets accepted to Battle School, the school to teach young kids to fight. He has to leave his family and go to space. Ender gets picked on all the time. This book covers Ender's life from 6 to his teen life. He has to survive life at Battle School.

This book was: A very good, interesting book.

I would recommend this book to: Fiction Fans and Adventure Fans

A/R Level: 5.5 UG

A/R Points: 16 points

I rate this book:

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