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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Books by Blei: The Ninth Ward

The Ninth Ward

By Jewell Parker Rhodes

Recommended by: Diamond G.

The Ninth Ward is about a young girl named Lanesha who lives in the Ninth Ward of Louisiana. She lives with her guardian, Mama Ya Ya, who also helped give birth to Lanesha and is now taking care of her after her mother died giving birth. Lanesha has the power to connect with the spirit world when it comes in handy. When Mama Ya Ya dies in Hurricane Katrina, it is up to Lanesha and her friend to survive.

This book was: Sad, amazing and thrilling!

I would recommend this book to: Anyone who likes adventure.

A/R Level: 3.3 MG

A/R Points: 4 points

I rate this book:

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