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Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Books by Blei: How Reading Changed My Life

How Reading Changed My Life
by Anna Quindlen
Recommended by: Dominque W.
Hello fellow reader,
I am going to introduce you to the book "How Reading Changed My Life" by Anna Quindlen. This book is not for lovers of action or adventure books. The book is about the author, Anna Quindlen, and her adventures of reading books. How she used to sit in a club chair and read instead of playing with her friends. How she loved specific books when others didn't. She also talked about banned books and things only for kids over 13. There there was a time when computers almost replaced books!
To find out what happened to books, pick up "How Reading Changed My Life" at your local library.

This book was:  Slightly interesting

I would recommend this book to: Readers who love literature and biographies.

A/R Points: Upper Grade
I rate this book:


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