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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Books by Blei: Black Duck

Black Duck
by Janet Taylor Lisle

Recommended by: Ryan G.
I read a historical fiction book called "Black Duck", and it was great! I usually don't like historical fiction at all, but I liked this one. It was about two friends who found a dead boy on the shore and they called the cops, but when the cops came, the body wasn't there! The boys didn't touch it. While all this police commotion was going on, one of the boys was doing illegal work for money! Oh, did I mention that the other boy's dad is the sheriff? The sheriff doesn't want his son to be friends with Ruben (the other boy). Ruben almost dies a bunch of times, and in the end...
Read to find out!

This book was: Great!

I would recommend this book to: People who like to read historical fiction!

I rate this book:

Books by Blei: Immortal

by Gillian Shields

Recommended by: Thao H.
Immortal is a book where the past and the future meet. Evie has to go to a new school but there's something different between Evie Johnson and Wyld Cliffe Abbey School. Evie has to figure out the history of the school because something is haunting her to be careful about one person that could cause danger to her. My favorite part of the book was when I saw Lady Ages journal, which goes back to the 1800's. It connects to Evie's life right now. I love how this book is a historical fiction and mystery.

This book was: A quick read because it is so good!

I would recommend this book to: People who like a mixed genre!

I rate this book:

Hot Reads April 18, 2014

Friday, April 4, 2014

Books by Blei: Prisoner's in the Palace

Prisoner's in the Palace:
A Novel of Intrigue and Romance
by Michaela MacColl

Recommended by: Ashley S.
This book is a romantic book about a girl who thinks that her life is perfect...until she gets very bad news that her parents died in a carriage accident. She thought that her parents left her everything, well, they didn't or that's what her banker told her. One day she thought, "I need to get money to pay off my hotel bill." So she had to work it off. She worked in the castle and this is where the romantic part comes in. She met a guy named Will, and they liked each other so much that he...read the book to find out what he did! And more about where the money went or is....

This book was: Good!

I would recommend this book to: People who like love!

I rate this book:

Books by Blei: Soldier's Heart

Soldier's Heart
by Gary Paulsen

Recommended by: MaiLee Y.
Soldier's Heart is a historical fiction book. In this book Charley, a 15-year-old boy, decided to join the army to become a real man, even though he was underage to volunteer for the war. During the battles he fought, he saw many people who died beside him. He was terrified and thought about running away from the army. My favorite part of the book was when Charley and the Rebel (enemy) were talking and trading items during their night duty.

This book was: Very fascinating because it tells you what happened during the war!

I would recommend this book to: Anyone who loves war books!

I rate this book:

Books by Blei: The Bronze Bow

The Bronze Bow
by Elizabeth George Speare

Recommended by: Josh J.
A boy named Daniel, a blacksmith by trade, is following two people, brother and sister, climbing a mountain. He catches up to them and they become friends. Daniel is part of a band of outlaws led by Rosh, a robber. How will this go down? Will Daniel leave or stay? Read it! You'd love to find out about this unlikely trio.

This book was: Awesome!

I would recommend this book to: All!

I rate this book:

Books by Blei: The River Between Us

The River Between Us
by Richard Peck

Recommended by: Lily P.
Tilly Pruitt and her family live in a small town down the Mississippi River. One odd evening, two ladies came off of a steamboat, Delphine Duval, the "fancy one", and Calinda, the "dark-skinned" one. They were seeking a place to stay and soon ended up in a room in the Pruitt family's home and changed their lives forever. This book does a great job describing the way of life in the 1860's. It might be heavy on the romance, but it also bring the horrors of war to life.

This book was: Information and exciting!

I would recommend this book to: Anyone who likes war books

I rate this book:

Books by Blei: The Black Pearl

The Black Pearl
by Scott O'Dell

Recommended by: Dominique W.
This book is about a boy named Ramon Salazar and his advenutres in the sea, either with his Dad or Gaspar Ruiz, the "Sevillano". Ramon reminds me of myself because he's adventours, curious and daring. I would categorize this book as an action, adventure, and suspense book. I like the setting and writing style of the book because it make you feel like you are actually in the past by the details of the setting and the objects in it. I would recommend this book to people who like pearls, mantas, oceans and adventures.

This book was: A Giant Tale!

I would recommend this book to: People who like Adventure

I rate this book: