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Friday, April 4, 2014

Books by Blei: Prisoner's in the Palace

Prisoner's in the Palace:
A Novel of Intrigue and Romance
by Michaela MacColl

Recommended by: Ashley S.
This book is a romantic book about a girl who thinks that her life is perfect...until she gets very bad news that her parents died in a carriage accident. She thought that her parents left her everything, well, they didn't or that's what her banker told her. One day she thought, "I need to get money to pay off my hotel bill." So she had to work it off. She worked in the castle and this is where the romantic part comes in. She met a guy named Will, and they liked each other so much that he...read the book to find out what he did! And more about where the money went or is....

This book was: Good!

I would recommend this book to: People who like love!

I rate this book:

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