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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Books by Blei: Black Duck

Black Duck
by Janet Taylor Lisle

Recommended by: Ryan G.
I read a historical fiction book called "Black Duck", and it was great! I usually don't like historical fiction at all, but I liked this one. It was about two friends who found a dead boy on the shore and they called the cops, but when the cops came, the body wasn't there! The boys didn't touch it. While all this police commotion was going on, one of the boys was doing illegal work for money! Oh, did I mention that the other boy's dad is the sheriff? The sheriff doesn't want his son to be friends with Ruben (the other boy). Ruben almost dies a bunch of times, and in the end...
Read to find out!

This book was: Great!

I would recommend this book to: People who like to read historical fiction!

I rate this book:

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