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Friday, October 31, 2014

Books by Blei: "Newbery Honor Book" - Surviving the Applewhites

Surviving the Applewhites
by Stephanie S. Tolan
(2003 Newbery Honor Book)

Recommended by: Sophia B.

Surviving the Applewhites is a real life fiction book that makes you want to keep reading. This book starts off with a girl named E.D. who likes good grades, and a boy named Jake who is always getting into trouble. Jake set his last school on fire and no other school wanted to take him in except for the Creative Academy run by the Applewhites. It is sort of like a homeschool. Everyone in the Applewhite family is creative except  for E.D. and sometimes I can relate to her. It is hard not being able to fit in. My favorite thing about the book is Winston, the Applewhite's dog, that is always following Jake around. Winston cracks me up. 

Surviving the Applewhites is written from two perspectives, Jake's and E.D.'s and I like it that way. Jake and E.D. grow a bunch in this book. They both become very different characters. If you like real life books that you can relate to, read this book. I promise you that you will not be disappointed. 

This book was: Very interesting in a good way!

I would recommend this book to:  People who like to read real life fiction!

I rate this book:

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