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Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Books by Blei: - "Newbery Medal Award" - Caddie Woodlawn

Caddie Woodlawn
by Carol Ryrie Brink
(1936 Newbery Medal Book)

Recommended by: Josie M.

The book, Caddie Woodlawn, is a lot like the Little House on the Prairie series. It is based on a little girl named Caddie Woodlawn. In the book, her father tries an experiment on her. He asks Caddie's mother if he could let just one of their daughters do all the things the boys do. It turns out that his experiment works! Caddie is strong and robust, unlike the other girls who are weak and sickly from staying in the house. One of the problems in the book involves the relationship between their small town and the Indian living nearby. The town is worried that the Indians will start a massacre. Another slight problem is that Caddie's dog, Nero, is taken by her uncle. At the end of the book, Caddie's father receives a letter that will change the rest of their lives. I like this book because it addresses a stereotype that all women must do "ladylike" things.

This book was: Not super jam-packed with action, but still a good read.

I would recommend this book to:  People who enjoy books that take place in the past.

I rate this book:

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