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Monday, June 2, 2014

Books by Blei: S.Y.L.O.

by D. J. MacHale

Recommended by: Samuel T.
Tucker is on an island called Pemperwick, that's been recently quarantined by a military group that call themselves SYLO. They're investigating a so-called "virus" but it may not be all fake because it had already killed the star player on his football team. Then Tucker starts hearing and seeing weird things around the island. How will Tucker escape SYLO's hard cold grasp and warn the mainland of SYLO's false identity? My favorite character is Tory Sleeper, because she is the toughest person in the book and she doesn't take crap from anyone!

This book was: The best book I've read in a long time.

I would recommend this book to: Anyone that loves novels.

I rate this book:

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