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Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Books by Blei: A Wrinkle in Time

A Wrinkle in Time
by Madeline L'Engle
Recommended by: Seth P., Samuel T., Andrew M., and Dominique W.
When Meg Murray and her brother, Charles Wallace, meet a strange, old woman named Mrs. Whatsit, they know their lives are about to change. Suddenly teleporting away after meeting two other equally strange women, Meg, Charles, and their friend Calvin, find that a threat as old as time is getting uncomfortably close to home. Follow our heroes as the tesser through space-time, rise up against all odds. To see their epic and perilous quest unfold, pick up a copy of this book and it's sequel today.

This book was: Quite interesting and outstanding.

I would recommend this book to:  Philosophy lovers and adventure lovers.

I rate this book:

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