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Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Books by Blei: The Uglies

The Uglies
by  Scott Westerfeld

Recommended by: Lily P. and Claire R.

Uglies is a thrilling story of a post-apocalyptic society where you are considered ugly until you go through major plastic surgery, also known as "the operation". All Tally ever wanted was to pull pranks and be pretty, but when she meets Shay, it all changes. When Shay leaves for "The Smoke", a mysterious town far away to be with a man named David, Tally doesn't know what to do. A visit from the intimidating Special Circumstances doesn't help either. Tally sets off in hope to be allowed the operation, but she sees the truth of being pretty and of the society, her allegiances lie elsewhere. In this suspenseful and thought-provoking novel you will find your views changed and your outlook on society will never be the same.

This book was: Thought provoking and suspenseful.

I would recommend this book to:  Mature audiences.

I rate this book:

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