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Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Books by Blei: Virtual War

Virtual War
by  Gloria Skurzynski

Recommended by: Jerica J., Julia H., and Mai L.
When 14-year-old Corgan is chosen to be captain of his war team, he is distracted, by a girl named Sharla. Later on Corgan finds that Sharla and Brig, a mutant boy, are on his team. He breaks the rules and goes out of his clean room with Sharla's help. He discovers that everyone doesn't live as lavishly as he and his teammates. When it's time for the war, he makes a deal before it starts. After the war, Corgan finds he was betrayed by Sharla and Brig.

This book was: Amazing.

I would recommend this book to:  Anyone who likes Science Fiction.

I rate this book:

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