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Thursday, March 3, 2016

Book Trailer for Maud Hart Lovelace award nominated book "The Fourth Stall" by Chris Rylander


The Fourth Stall

by Chris Rylander

Do you need something? Mac can get it for you. 
It's what he does—he and his best friend and business manager, Vince. 
Their methods might sometimes run afoul of the law, or at least the school code of conduct, 
but if you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can pay him, Mac is on your side. 
His office is located in the East Wing boys' bathroom, fourth stall from the high window. 
And business is booming.

Or at least it was, until one particular Monday. 
It starts with a third grader in need of protection. And before this ordeal is over, 
it's going to involve a legendary high school crime boss named Staples, 
an intramural gambling ring, a graffiti ninja, the nine most dangerous bullies in school,
 and the first Chicago Cubs World Series game in almost seventy years. 
And that's just the beginning. 
Mac and Vince soon realize that the trouble with solving everyone else's problems 
is that there's no one left to solve yours.

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