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Thursday, March 3, 2016

Books by Blei: Nujood Age 10 and Divorced by Nujood Ali

Nujood, Age 10 and Divorced
by Nujood Ali
Recommended by:  Kyla S.
If you love real life books you'll love this book. Nujood's story really got my heart. The part I can't believe the most is that she was actually married off to a man who abused her. When I read this book I was flabbergasted and you might be too. It is 100% real. She had a tough time, so imagine being in her place; married at age 9 and abused. Read this book, I did and it was amazing.

This book was: Amazing, sad and happy!
I would recommend this to: People who like real life drama.

I rate this book: 

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