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Thursday, March 3, 2016

Book Trailer for Maud Hart Lovelace award nominated book: "Calli be Gold" by Michele Weber Hurwitz

Calli Be Gold
by Michele Weber Hurwitz
Eleven-year-old Calli Gold is the quiet third child in a family of loud overachievers.
In fact, the family motto is Be Gold. 
Calli's sister is on an ice-skating team, and her brother's a basketball star. 
er parents are sure she has a hidden gift for something.
They just have to figure out what it is! But Calli has flopped at everything she's tried. 
She sure doesn't feel like a Gold.
 Until a new person enters her life. Second grader Noah Zullo 
might seem strange to some people, but Calli can't help liking him, 
and they become partners in their school's Peer Helper Program. 
When they create a booth for the Friendship Fair, 
they fill it with secrets and surprises. And as Calli and Noah work and learn together, 
they even surprise themselves.

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