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Thursday, March 3, 2016

Books by Blei: Maximum Ride #2: School's Out Forever by James Patterson

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Maximum Ride #2: School's Out Forever
by James Patterson

Recommended by:  Haley W.
Maximum Ride is an avian-hybrid which means she is part bird. She has to keep her flock safe. Her flock is made up of Fang, Iggy, Gazman (a.k.a. Gazzy, Nudge, and Angel). What happens when they all begin to figure out their powers? What happens when they all find out about their parents? Find out in Maximum Ride #2.

My favorite character is Iggy because he is cool with his explosives and the fact he can cook better than anyone even though he's blind.

This book was: Extraordinary! One of a kind!

I would recommend this book to: Everyone

I rate this book:

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