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Thursday, November 14, 2013

Books by Blei: Out of Season

Out of Season
by Kari Jones
Recommended by: Vinny V.
This book is about a girl named Maya. Her dad teachers her how to kayak. Maya goes to Riley Bay every morning before school. She goes to that bay to see her otters. Then she finds out there are poachers looking for otters. Maya gets worried and returns home to tell her dad. They went to tell the Coast Guard. Will the Coast Guards and Maya save the otters?

This book was: Great.
I would recommend this book to: People who like otters.

A/R Level: 3.3
A/R Points: 2
I rate this book:

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Books by Blei: Chains

by Laurie Halse Anderson
Recommended by: Kaylee H.
This book is about a slave in the 1770's, during the Revolutionary War. The main character is named Isabel. She has a sister named Ruth, who gets sold - never to be seen again, and her parents are dead. She meets a friend who is also a slave. They are free of all their duties as slaves. They row themselves to freedom. My favorite character is Isabel, she is a dependent women and shows dignity and independence.

This book was: Awesome!

I would recommend this book to: Middle schoolers.

A/R Level: 6.3
A/R Points: 11
I rate this book:

Monday, November 11, 2013

Books by Blei: If I Stay

If I Stay
by Gayle Forman
Recommended by: Will T.
This book is about courage and strength. Mia, an eighteen-year-old senior in high school, has lost her parents and faces the devastation of being alone. Although, during the story she has dreams and hallucinations about the great times she's had with them. Also, along with her true friend, Adam, who starts having mixed emotions about her. But there is more than just drama, see what happens when things spill out.

I would recommend this book to: People who like drama and romance.

A/R Level: 5.4 
A/R Points: 8
I rate this book:

Books by Blei: Crispin: Cross of Lead

Crispin: Cross of Lead
by Avi
Recommended by: Andrew M.

A boy all alone, his mother dead, his only friend, the priest, dead, and his father who is claimed to have died in a great famine. This is what happened to Crispin. Of course he only just found out his name is Crispin, but why such a high name for such a lowly servant? He doesn't know. He is shunned from his village, pronounced a wolf's head, not even human, because of something he didn't do. So while running away he meets his new "master", a huge, jolly man everyone calls "Bear". Find out how everything unfolds and the story behind Crispin's unusual name in this book.

This book was:  Pretty good, always entertaining.

I would recommend this book to: People who love Old England and secret societies.

A/R Level: 5 Middle Grade
A/R Points: 7
I rate this book:

Friday, November 8, 2013

Books by Blei: The Adoration of Jenna Fox

The Adoration of Jenna Fox
by Mary Pearson
Recommended by: Ashley S.

There is a girl named Jenna Fox who thinks she got her name by trading lives with a girl named Jenna Fox during a brutal car accident. She was in a coma for a year and half and she just woke up two weeks ago. She has a really hard time remembering how to do things. At home they only fed her nutrients cause her body wasn't ready for real food. She was very curious one day and watched some old camping tapes and saw hot chocolate, she said, "Hey, I remember that!" So she went downstairs and made it. Right before she was about to take a sip, her mom came running in saying, "Don't drink that"
Read more and see why she yelled don't drink it

This book was:  Very Interesting

I would recommend this book to: People who love big, long, amazing books.

I rate this book:

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Books by Blei: Haunted Summer

Haunted Summer
by Betty Wright
Recommended by: Quinn H.

Haunted Summer is a book about Abby, her brother David and their baby sitter, Hannah. One day they are sent a mysterious music box that appears to be broken. Soon after Hannah starts to get visits from a malevolent ghost and they're afraid it might hurt someone. So they have to put her to rest before anyone gets hurt. They do some research and find someone who knows about the ghost. He tells them about her gruesome death in a fire and how she was buried in the local cemetery. Now that they know about her, what will they do? Read the book and find out.

This book was:  Very exciting and a good read.

I would recommend this book to: Any horror fans that love a little mystery.

A/R Level: 4
A/R Points: 2 points
I rate this book:

Books by Blei: The Music of Dolphins

The Music of Dolphins
by Karen Hesse
Recommended by: Diana P. and Elvira G.

Mila, a teenager whose age is not certain, has been raised by dolphins. How could that be? Well, she was involved in a shipwreck, and her parents were killed. Mila was raised for many years by dolphins. One day she was rescued and was taken to a doctor's clinic. Doctor Beck was teaching her how to be a human. But does Mila want to stay on land and be a human? Or does she want to go back to the sea with her dolphin family?

This book was:  Told like a journal!

I would recommend this book to: People that like animals.

A/R Level: 3.4 points
A/R Points: 3 points
I rate this book:

Books by Blei: Bitterblue

by Kristin Cashore
Recommended by: Claire R.

Bitterblue is the young queen of Monsea. She took over after her father, King Leck, the terrible, psychotic ruler died. Even after Leck died her kingdom is far from healed and her advisers aren't any help. She takes matters into her own hands and sneaks out at the castle and finds a world full of mystery, lies, and truths. She meets and befriends two thieves who only steal what was stolen and one might hold the key to her heart.

This book was:  A thrilling and mysterious page-turner!

I would recommend this book to: Fantasy lovers and problem solvers.

A/R Level:  5.6 points Upper Grade
A/R Points: 23
I rate this book:

Books by Blei: Hidden Talents

Hidden Talents
by David Lubar
Recommended by: Ryan G.
This book "Hidden Talents" was amazing!
It is about a boy named Martin who gets sent to a school full of delinquents because he just can't stop talking. When he is at this school, he finds new friends and learns that they have "hidden talents" and it gets Martin kind of suspicious so he digs deeper and it gets really weird.

I wanted to keep turning the pages because it was so interesting learning about these talents which are kind like superpowers. Closer to the end of the book, Martin finds out he also has a talent of his own.

This book was:  Awesome and you should read it!!

I would recommend this book to: Anybody.
A/R Level: 4.2 Middle Grade
A/R Points: 7 points
I rate this book:

Books by Blei: How Reading Changed My Life

How Reading Changed My Life
by Anna Quindlen
Recommended by: Dominque W.
Hello fellow reader,
I am going to introduce you to the book "How Reading Changed My Life" by Anna Quindlen. This book is not for lovers of action or adventure books. The book is about the author, Anna Quindlen, and her adventures of reading books. How she used to sit in a club chair and read instead of playing with her friends. How she loved specific books when others didn't. She also talked about banned books and things only for kids over 13. There there was a time when computers almost replaced books!
To find out what happened to books, pick up "How Reading Changed My Life" at your local library.

This book was:  Slightly interesting

I would recommend this book to: Readers who love literature and biographies.

A/R Points: Upper Grade
I rate this book: