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Friday, November 8, 2013

Books by Blei: The Adoration of Jenna Fox

The Adoration of Jenna Fox
by Mary Pearson
Recommended by: Ashley S.

There is a girl named Jenna Fox who thinks she got her name by trading lives with a girl named Jenna Fox during a brutal car accident. She was in a coma for a year and half and she just woke up two weeks ago. She has a really hard time remembering how to do things. At home they only fed her nutrients cause her body wasn't ready for real food. She was very curious one day and watched some old camping tapes and saw hot chocolate, she said, "Hey, I remember that!" So she went downstairs and made it. Right before she was about to take a sip, her mom came running in saying, "Don't drink that"
Read more and see why she yelled don't drink it

This book was:  Very Interesting

I would recommend this book to: People who love big, long, amazing books.

I rate this book:

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