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Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Books by Blei: Haunted Summer

Haunted Summer
by Betty Wright
Recommended by: Quinn H.

Haunted Summer is a book about Abby, her brother David and their baby sitter, Hannah. One day they are sent a mysterious music box that appears to be broken. Soon after Hannah starts to get visits from a malevolent ghost and they're afraid it might hurt someone. So they have to put her to rest before anyone gets hurt. They do some research and find someone who knows about the ghost. He tells them about her gruesome death in a fire and how she was buried in the local cemetery. Now that they know about her, what will they do? Read the book and find out.

This book was:  Very exciting and a good read.

I would recommend this book to: Any horror fans that love a little mystery.

A/R Level: 4
A/R Points: 2 points
I rate this book:

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