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Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Books by Blei: The Music of Dolphins

The Music of Dolphins
by Karen Hesse
Recommended by: Diana P. and Elvira G.

Mila, a teenager whose age is not certain, has been raised by dolphins. How could that be? Well, she was involved in a shipwreck, and her parents were killed. Mila was raised for many years by dolphins. One day she was rescued and was taken to a doctor's clinic. Doctor Beck was teaching her how to be a human. But does Mila want to stay on land and be a human? Or does she want to go back to the sea with her dolphin family?

This book was:  Told like a journal!

I would recommend this book to: People that like animals.

A/R Level: 3.4 points
A/R Points: 3 points
I rate this book:

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