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Monday, November 11, 2013

Books by Blei: Crispin: Cross of Lead

Crispin: Cross of Lead
by Avi
Recommended by: Andrew M.

A boy all alone, his mother dead, his only friend, the priest, dead, and his father who is claimed to have died in a great famine. This is what happened to Crispin. Of course he only just found out his name is Crispin, but why such a high name for such a lowly servant? He doesn't know. He is shunned from his village, pronounced a wolf's head, not even human, because of something he didn't do. So while running away he meets his new "master", a huge, jolly man everyone calls "Bear". Find out how everything unfolds and the story behind Crispin's unusual name in this book.

This book was:  Pretty good, always entertaining.

I would recommend this book to: People who love Old England and secret societies.

A/R Level: 5 Middle Grade
A/R Points: 7
I rate this book:

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