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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Books by Blei: Chime

by Franny Billingsley
Recommended by: Summer B.
Briony's stepmother was murdered two months ago. She is very sad about it, but Eldric comes along to brighten her spirits. Briony cannot love, cannot cry, cannot like herself because of the things she has done -- the things she's done through jealousy. Briony is a witch and can't control her powers. This book is mostly about Briony figuring out the truth to everything and about Eldric and her misadventures.

This book was: Magical! Seriously - witches and ghosts.
I would recommend this book to: Anyone who likes fantasy.
A/R Level:  4.4 UG

A/R Points: 13 points
I rate this book:

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