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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Books by Blei: Where You Belong

Where You Belong
by Mary Ann McGuign
Recommended by: Shantel S.
Fiona doesn't know where she belongs. When Fiona's mother was evicted from their Bronx apartment, she tries to go to her dad's house. She thought he was going to go abuse her like he did the other times when he was drunk. She ran away from his house and slept in the park. She was walking around the street and found a friend, Yolanda, who begged Fiona to stay at her house. Where does Fiona decide to stay?  Read and find out!

This book was: Very interesting!
I would recommend this book to: People who love to hear about history.
A/R Level: 4.2 MG

A/R Points: 6 points
I rate this book:

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