Welcome Readers! Robbinsdale Middle School is a grade 6-8 middle school located in Robbinsdale, Minnesota, and part of the Robbinsdale Area Schools, District #281.

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They reflect the views of our student reviewers and do not reflect the views and/or opinions of Robbinsdale Middle School. If you would like to become a part of our reviewing panel, please speak with the
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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

RMS Book Fair is February 19 and 21

The whole school is excited about our Book Fair on Feb. 19 and 21.
It will be held during conferences, so come and meet your student's teachers and then stop by to shop our fair! At the Book Fair you will find the latest and finest titles for kids, as well as
books of interest to parents. Mark your calendar for these events where the whole family can join in the fun. And, you can contribute books to your child's classroom library.

 The Book Fair is a great way to get everyone excited about reading.

Here's a brief video that highlights the big dreams that can be realized through family reading:
See you at the Book Fair!

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