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Friday, February 1, 2013

Books by Blei: Keesha's House

Keesha's House
by Helen Frost
Recommended by: Daniela L.
This book is about seven teens that have problems with their parents. Stephie is pregnant, she doesn't know if she want to keep the baby or get an abortion. Harris tells his parent that he likes guys, and his dad kicks him out of the house, but he still sees his mom. All the teens go to live at Keesha's house. It is actually Joe's, but Keesha's lived there so long people know it as "Keesha's House". Keesha invites teens that are in the streets or that were kicked out of their house to stay there.
She gives them a place to live.

This book was: Full of lots of teens with bad problems that might get solved.
I would recommend this book to: People who like to read about real-life problems.
A/R Level: 4.4 UG

A/R Points: 2 points
I rate this book:

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