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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Books by Blei; Powerless

by Matthew Cody

Recommended by: Julia H.
A kid named Daniel moves to Noble Green, Pennsylvania, a town of superhero kids. It doesn't take long to figure out that only the kids have superpowers and the parents don't know it. Daniel also finds out that the powers go away when you turn 13 an you lose your memory of ever having them. Daniel wants to help them at all costs, even if he has to turn against his friend. All these clues and mysteries come down to a meteor that hit an orphanage long ago. Then all the clues come into play.

This book was: Action Packed!

I would recommend this book to: Someone who likes action and mysteries.

I rate this book:

Books by Blei: The Death Collector

The Death Collector
by Justin Richards

Recommended by: Lily P.
Three teens come together to stop Augustus Lorimore. Lorimore, a factory owner, is stuck on trying to bring the dead back to life. Both humans and dinosaurs are his main focus, one of which is already out there terrorizing the streets of London. Eddie, George, and Elizabeth must try to stop Lorimore and his evil creations before time runs out. This was a slower-paced mystery for me.

This book was: Mysterious and Interesting!

I would recommend this book to: Anyone who loves a mystery book.

I rate this book:

Books by Blei: Maximum Ride: School's Out - Forever

Maximum Ride: School's Out - Forever
by James Patterson

Recommended by: Nancy N.
School's Out Forever is the second book in the sci-fi series: Maximum Ride. With the strange front cover, it starts off with the Flock continuing on their journey from the previous book. Read as you tag along with Max, Fang, Iggy, Nudge, Gasman and Angel and see their adventure from fighting with human - lupine hybrids and evil scientist that may kill them.

This book was: Exciting! Made me read the series!

I would recommend this book to: To action/fighting fans.

I rate this book:

Friday, January 17, 2014

Books by Blei: The Water Mirror

The Water Mirror
by Kai Meyer

Recommended by: Quinn H.
The Water Mirror takes place in Venice, Italy, while it is under siege by the Egyptians and protected by a thing called the Flowing Queen that is made of the water ways. Merle, an orphaned girl, is adopted by Arcimboldo, a magic mirror maker. She meets Junipa, a blind orphaned girl, who is also working for Arcimboldo, on her way to the mirror makers shop. A few weeks after their arrival, the neighborhood has a festival and Merle sees Serafin. Serafin is from the rival workshop and had played a prank on them earlier, but didn't really talk. So they talked together while walking, until they stumble across a secret meeting. The officials had captured the Flowing Queen and was giving it over to the Egyptians so they could get out of Venice. But Merle and Serafin steal the vial that the Flowing Queen is in and run. Unfortunately, Serafin gets caught, so now Merle is alone being hunted and with the vial containing the Flowing Queen. Read the book to find out what happens next.

This book was:Fantastic and a good read!

I would recommend this book to: Anyone who loves flying stone lions.

I rate this book:

Books by Blei: The Wednesday Wars

The Wednesday Wars
by Gary D. Schmidt

Recommended by: Thao H.
The Wednesdays Wars takes place in 1967. In is about a boy named Hollings Hoodhood who goes to Camillo Junior High. Holling thinks Mrs. Braker hates his guts because he doesn't have a religious class on Wednesday like the whole class does. So he has to stay alone with Mrs. Braker. The reason why this books is called The Wednesday Wars, is because at first Holling and his teacher didn't agree with each other. But every Wednesday, they get closer because Holling learns more about Mrs. Braker and realizes they don't really have differences. Through out the book, Holling faces different experiences that help him figure out who he is and what he really enjoys with the help of his teacher. 

This book was: Amazing! Different than what I thought.

I would recommend this book to: Anyone who enjoys historical fiction.

I rate this book:

Books by Blei: City of Bones

City of Bones
by Cassandra Clare

Recommended by: Katrina S.
16-year-old Clary Fray is living a normal teenage life until she meets Jace, a golden haired shadow hunter. Why can she see him but her friend, Simon, can not? What is a shadow hunter? Clary suddenly needs to know in order to find her mother. She will need Jake and his friends, Isabelle and Alec to help her with finding her mom. Will Clay fall for the golden-haired Jace? Or will something happen?

This book was: Really Amazing!

I would recommend this book to: Anyone that loves to read books.

I rate this book:

Books by Blei: Prisoner B-3087

Prisoner B-3087
by Alan Grats

Recommended by: Ashley S.
This book is sad. This is one of the most descriptive books that I have ever read. Right when I started reading it, I loved it! I loved the details in the book. Starting from the beginning when the little boy and his happy family were watching a movie. Later in the book you will see what happens to him and his family. This book is about the Nazi and the Jews. They came in and literally destroyed the town. I feel so sad for all of them. This book was a nail-biter because you didn't know who was going to get taken away or who was going to get shot, or who was going to leave for work and never return.
Read to find out!

This book was: Sad!

I would recommend this book to: People who like history.

I rate this book:

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Books by Blei: The Hobbit

The Hobbit
by J.R.R. Tolkien

Recommended by: Jalen M.
Bilbo Baggins lived in a nice, quiet and peaceful life in his little hole in the neighborhood of the Hill. One day his comfort was shattered by the arrival of the old wizard, Gandalf, who persuaded Bilbo to go out on a quest with his 13 dwarves to reclaim their stolen treasure. Bilbo is terrified to leave his comfortable home and set out on a dangerous journey. Will the little hobbit complete the dangerous mission or die trying? My favorite part of the book was when Bilbo came upon three trolls and decided he wanted to pick their pockets, but he got caught. 

This book was: A pretty good book!

I would recommend this book to: teenagers.

I rate this book:

Books by Blei: Chasing Vermeer

Chasing Vermeer
by Blue Balliett

Recommended by: Dominique W.
Hello, my name is Nicky W., and I'm going to introduce you to the book "Chasing Vermeer". This book is about two people named Petra and Calder. After these two meet, they start realizing connections in the world, like Charles Fort and Ms. Sharpe, Fort and Vermeer, and the disappearance of "A Lady Waiting", a Vermeer art, and Fort, which is what the book is about. 

My favorite part of the book is how Calder and Petra work together to find out who stole the painting! If you love mystery books, you have got to read this! This book makes me realize many things in life you never realized before, like what makes things in museums deserve to be in museums. Why yellow is surprising, and why blue tastes mysterious, which is why I loved this book. I recommend this book to mystery lovers and thinkers.

This book was: A great mystery book

I would recommend this book to: Mystery lovers and thinkers.

I rate this book:

Books by Blei: Private Peaceful

Private Peaceful
by Michael Morpurgo

Recommended by: Joshua S.
Thomas Peaceful is a young boy who is bullied a lot at school, but lucky for him he has an older brother named Charlie who always has his back. One day Thomas (Tommo) meets the love of his life, Molly. Unfortunately Molly is more for guys her age (Charlie). After years of being in Charlie's shadow, Tommo decides to join Charlie when he must join the army to help his village. By this time Molly is pregnant and Charlie is the father. They are receiving letters from their mom, brother Big Joe, and Molly, saying she must live with the Peacefuls due to her pregnancy. In Germany, Tomoo is wounded and Charlie disobeys orders with dire consequences.

This book was: Great but sad at parts!

I would recommend this book to: Those who enjoy adventure and military stories.

I rate this book:

Books by Blei: Football Genius

Football Genius
by Tim Green

Recommended by: Pedro A.
Football Genius is about a boy named Troy. The book takes place in Atlanta. Troy lives with his mom and never knew his dad. He plays football and plays quarterback. He never gets to play because the other quarterback's dad is the coach. Even though Troy's better, he still doesn't play a lot. His mom gets a new job for the Atlanta Falcons, and Troy has a talent where he can tell any football play before it happens, and this is the perfect time to show his talent. His friends, Nathan and Tate try to help him show Seth Halloway. They wanted to help the team, but the coach wouldn't let them. Will Troy be able to help the team?

This book was: A great sports book that is really interesting!

I would recommend this book to: People who love sports.

I rate this book:

Friday, January 10, 2014

Books by Blei: Allegiant

by Veronica Roth

Recommended by: Lauren E.
Allegiant is the third book of the Divergent series. Veronica Roth wrote this book through both Tris and Tobias' view.
This books tells of their new life in the Bureau Compound and the adventures it brings. This book has very heart-warming and heart-racing parts. If you read the first two books (Divergent and Insurgent) and loved them, you'll love this book too.

This book was: Amazing!

I would recommend this book to: Divergent Readers.

I rate this book:

Books by Blei: A Coming Evil

A Coming Evil
by Vivian Vande Velde

Recommended by: Kathleen C.
This is a very exciting narrative about Lisette. Lisette is a 13-year-old girl that's not very grateful for anything. Her parents sent her away to her Aunt Josephine's house. She soon finds out that Josephine is illegally hiding children from the German soldiers. Then she meets a new ghost friend named Garard. She learns to be thankful for everything, even her annoying cousin Cecile. 

I disliked that the title had me thinking it would be scarier.

This book was: Pretty Good

I would recommend this book to: Everyone who would like to go deep into the world of history and imagine what it would be like.

I rate this book:

Books by Blei: The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate

The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate
by Jacqueline Kelly

Recommended by: Claire R.
The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate is a qurky book about 11-year-old Calpurnia or "Cal" for short. In the summer of a terrible drought, Cal starts noticing things she never saw before: like how the grasshoppers were changing color. As she notices these things her relationship with her grandfather (who typically stays in his study) grows stronger as they study the world around them. In this curious book you will realize there is more in the world if you take the time to stop and look for it.

This book was:  Quirky and Curious!

I would recommend this book to: Science and historical fiction fans.

I rate this book:

Books by Blei: Invisibility

by Andrea Cremer & David Levithan

Recommended by: Cecelia N.
This book takes place in modern day New York City. It revolves around a teen-aged boy named Stephen, but he's not like other boys. He's invisible! With the help of the only person who has ever seen him, Elizabeth. They will attempt to break the curse that has been put on Stephen.

This book was: Science Fiction

I would recommend this book to: Sci-Fi lovers or anyone who loves a good romance.

I rate this book:

Books by Blei: Malice

by Chris Wooding

Recommended by: Jacob N.
Seth like danger, but nothing will prepare him for Malice. Up until now Seth believes Malice is a myth, but then Seth's friend Luke vanishes, and pretty soon Seth starts to believe in Malice. The only problem is getting there. In order to get to Malice, Seth must gather certain objects and say a chant, and hopefully he'll end up in Malice. But once inside Malice, he must avoid Tall Jake or it will mean certain death. If you die in Malice, you die in real life.

This book was: Very good, I couldn't stop reading!

I would recommend this book to: My friends!

I rate this book: