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Friday, January 10, 2014

Books by Blei: A Coming Evil

A Coming Evil
by Vivian Vande Velde

Recommended by: Kathleen C.
This is a very exciting narrative about Lisette. Lisette is a 13-year-old girl that's not very grateful for anything. Her parents sent her away to her Aunt Josephine's house. She soon finds out that Josephine is illegally hiding children from the German soldiers. Then she meets a new ghost friend named Garard. She learns to be thankful for everything, even her annoying cousin Cecile. 

I disliked that the title had me thinking it would be scarier.

This book was: Pretty Good

I would recommend this book to: Everyone who would like to go deep into the world of history and imagine what it would be like.

I rate this book:

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