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Thursday, January 16, 2014

Books by Blei: Football Genius

Football Genius
by Tim Green

Recommended by: Pedro A.
Football Genius is about a boy named Troy. The book takes place in Atlanta. Troy lives with his mom and never knew his dad. He plays football and plays quarterback. He never gets to play because the other quarterback's dad is the coach. Even though Troy's better, he still doesn't play a lot. His mom gets a new job for the Atlanta Falcons, and Troy has a talent where he can tell any football play before it happens, and this is the perfect time to show his talent. His friends, Nathan and Tate try to help him show Seth Halloway. They wanted to help the team, but the coach wouldn't let them. Will Troy be able to help the team?

This book was: A great sports book that is really interesting!

I would recommend this book to: People who love sports.

I rate this book:

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