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Thursday, January 16, 2014

Books by Blei: Private Peaceful

Private Peaceful
by Michael Morpurgo

Recommended by: Joshua S.
Thomas Peaceful is a young boy who is bullied a lot at school, but lucky for him he has an older brother named Charlie who always has his back. One day Thomas (Tommo) meets the love of his life, Molly. Unfortunately Molly is more for guys her age (Charlie). After years of being in Charlie's shadow, Tommo decides to join Charlie when he must join the army to help his village. By this time Molly is pregnant and Charlie is the father. They are receiving letters from their mom, brother Big Joe, and Molly, saying she must live with the Peacefuls due to her pregnancy. In Germany, Tomoo is wounded and Charlie disobeys orders with dire consequences.

This book was: Great but sad at parts!

I would recommend this book to: Those who enjoy adventure and military stories.

I rate this book:

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