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Friday, January 17, 2014

Books by Blei: The Water Mirror

The Water Mirror
by Kai Meyer

Recommended by: Quinn H.
The Water Mirror takes place in Venice, Italy, while it is under siege by the Egyptians and protected by a thing called the Flowing Queen that is made of the water ways. Merle, an orphaned girl, is adopted by Arcimboldo, a magic mirror maker. She meets Junipa, a blind orphaned girl, who is also working for Arcimboldo, on her way to the mirror makers shop. A few weeks after their arrival, the neighborhood has a festival and Merle sees Serafin. Serafin is from the rival workshop and had played a prank on them earlier, but didn't really talk. So they talked together while walking, until they stumble across a secret meeting. The officials had captured the Flowing Queen and was giving it over to the Egyptians so they could get out of Venice. But Merle and Serafin steal the vial that the Flowing Queen is in and run. Unfortunately, Serafin gets caught, so now Merle is alone being hunted and with the vial containing the Flowing Queen. Read the book to find out what happens next.

This book was:Fantastic and a good read!

I would recommend this book to: Anyone who loves flying stone lions.

I rate this book:

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